More Fire Safety Topics

Burn Prevention

Most “fire-related injuries” are burns. In fact, approximately every 60 seconds someone in the U.S. sustains a burn injury serious enough to require treatment.  Increased

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Candle Fire Safety

From 2009-2013, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 9,300 home structure fires that were started by candles. These fires caused 86 deaths, 827 injuries

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Clothes Dryer Fire Safety

In 2010-2014, U.S. municipal fire departments responded to an estimated 15,970 home fires involving clothes dryers or washing machines each year. These fires resulted in

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Electrical Fire Safety

Electricity helps make our lives easier but there are times when we can take its power and its potential for fire-related hazards for granted.   Electrical

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Holiday Fire Safety

Christmas trees account for hundreds of fires each year. Typically, shorts in electrical lights or open flames from candles, lighters or matches start tree fires.

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Smoke Alarm Safety

Smoke alarms save lives. Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. If there is

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Smoking Fire Safety

Smoking materials, including cigarettes, pipes, and cigars, started an estimated 17,200 home structure fires reported to U.S. fire departments in 2014. These fires caused 570

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Travel Fire Safety

Fire safety is not typically front of mind for most people when making travel plans, however, fires in hotels and motels are extremely common. Here

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